Festive Frolics & the Best of 2018


I have a new short (The Poison Harp) with some backstory on my sassy assassin Mist from my yet to be released epic ‘Army of Me’ (Bindcrafter Paradigm Series) coming soon, that should be ready in the new year, and has been a LOT of fun to write.

A Full Gamut of Autumnal Fun


So what have I been up to this month? Well, it was my birthday! So I got quite drunk and shouted obscenities intermingled with giggles at my friends in a Brighton pub. That’s what friends are for, right? I saw a great band too, called Henge, if you like crazy, check ‘em out on YouTube! […]

Halloween Frights and Delights

Audio Book Offer

And so we kiss October on the cheek and welcome in cold nights in front of the fire, well in this hemisphere at least.

September – time to get serious

18th Century

It’s been a busy month, the highlight of which was a trip to the Netherlands, where against my better instincts the little people persuaded me onto some gut wrenching rollercoasters. (I literally tensed to stop my kidneys swapping sides…) The canals in Amsterdam go on forever, the Dutch people are a lot taller than you’d […]

A grim, and dark tale…


Chained to a radiator. Hostage to the worst of the worst, the devil’s armpit’s bottom of evil doers. I could have tried hacksawing my way out of there, but there were too many men on the stairs.

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