Pepe Deluxe – Phantom Cabinet Vol. 1 – Shaun’s Review


Yes, I LOVED this album! Pepe Deluxé is a Finnish electronic music oriented band, formed in 1996 by DJ Slow (Vellu Maurola) JA-Jazz (Tomi Castrén, formerly Paajanen) and James Spectrum (Jari Salo) in Helsinki, Finland. How to describe this album? Well, you can tell there’s a lot of love and thought behind it, something like […]

Terrible Spells

Hallo dear reader! Or should I say ‘Hello’? Language is a hard master. Just when you think you’ve finally got a handle on it, you realise you’re almost a beginner. The word hello, probably one of the top 10 in the English Language, has become my latest bugbear. For some reason, don’t ask me why, […]

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